ONLINE PANEL "COVID-19: Chances & Challenges in Education. An exchange between Austria and Finland"

Dienstag, 5. Oktober 2021, 15:00 Uhr - 17:00 Uhr, online via WebEx

COVID shone a light on educational systems worldwide and revealed weaknesses mercilessly. At the same time, systemic accelerators like digitalization, self-organized learning and the central role of teachers paved their way into public (and political) awareness like never before.

Unaware of the effective “end” of this global pandemic, the time is now right to shine a light on our collective learnings and offer impetus for the forthcoming systemic learning curve:

  • How did Austria and Finland manage this unique educational crisis?
  • What are the most valuable takeaways from the pandemic, especially in the field of digitalization?
  • What are the next steps to take?

On world teacher’s day the Federation of Austrian Industries, Business Finland and the Embassy of Finland in Austria team up for a unique webinar. The discussion will be held in English.

An exchange between Austria and Finland
5 October 2021, 3 p.m., online via WebEx

Opening remarks by Ms. Pirkko Hämäläinen, Ambassador of Finland in Austria and Mr. Christoph Neumayer, Secretary General of the Federation of Austrian Industries.


  • Ms. Iris Rauskala, Chief Digital Officer, Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research Austria
  • Ms. Tina Dworschak, Education Expert, Federation of Austrian Industries
  • Mr. Heinz Knasar, Vice-Principal & IT Expert, Graz International Bilingual School
  • Mr. Jouni Kangasniemi, Program Director, Education Finland
  • Ms. Tuija Lindström, Project Expert, DigiOne
  • Mr. Ari Myllyviita, Teacher, Viikki Teacher Training School Helsinki

Host: Eric Frey (DerStandard)

Link to the event will be sent to the registered participants.

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ONLINE PANEL "COVID-19: Chances & Challenges in Education. An exchange between Austria and Finland"

05.10.2021 03:00 nachm.


Online via WebEx